The 8th Bastion, eluding to the 7 Bastions built by the Dutch in Fort Kochi, was a mongrel ’80s building on a 19th century plinth. Bordering the Dutch Cemetery on one side and the David Hall on the other, it was a building with no heritage character, which gave us a blank canvas to redefine what Heritage transformation work should look and feel like in the 21st Century in the heart of Dutch Kochi. The effort was to tie back to the ethos of Dutch Architecture without forgetting the modern context the building had, with the industrial seafaring culture of the Dutch balanced by the aura of Colonial Kochi. Taking the inspiration from various motifs and design details used in Dutch architecture and products, the design was evolved out of a confluence of steel and glass married to Mangalore tile roofs and mosaic floors. With the old building in front scooped out from inside to create luxurious old world rooms, minimalist and spartan, two new wings were fashioned to create a central courtyard which operates as the heart of this charming little property.
- Client : Eight Capital Pvt. Ltd.
- Location : Fort Kochi
- status : Completed in 2012
- Operated by : CGH Earth